Sabtu, 24 Desember 2016


The question you asked today got me thinking...l
Why you.

There are things that are visible, and there are things that are not.

I am not the kind of person who falls easily. It doesnt matter what my eyes see, or what my ears hear, or what my a person does. It always comes down to what my heart says.

It's not about fame, its never about fortune.
First thing i noticed about you is your patience.

I'm too tired of the attention-seekers I used to date in the past. Guys who seeks worldly things, enjoy worldly things, and focusing on worldly things all the time.
Guys who refuse to know God, pretend to love God, who loves themselves so much they can do anything they want.

You are not like that.
You pay attention to other people. You live in God and He lives in you.

And through all the insecurities you have in you, i can sense your passion, your sincerity, your will to be a better person every day.

You're someone I can easily talk to, but still it's OK if we dont talk.

You're someone I can laugh with, but it's OK to tell you my problems.

You're someone I'm not afraid to be crazy with, but there are times we get quiet in God's presence.

The way you talk to me, the way you express yourself, the way you're not afraid to talk about your weaknesses, make me feel that you're a genuine person. Someone who's not afraid to be himself.
Someone strong.

There are times, a lot of times actually, when I get into trouble, or when something bothers me, I think of you. I come to you as my source of strength, my source of comfort. These past few weeks, I found solid ground to step on.

My best friend.

I dont agree in "choose the one that makes you happy."
I believe in "choose the one that makes you a better person".
With you, i always want to be that better person.

I'll be honest with you. It's not always easy. There are hard times, times when I think I should pull back. But still, here I am, doing what I do, standing beside you.

I dont know how long this will last. But even if we have to go our separate ways, I know  now what to look for in a man.

You may not realize this, but I learn a lot from you.
Patience, wisdom, calmness, a lot more.
I treasure the advices you give me. Especially advices that include God and His Words.

I also learn how to love sincerely. How to love without expecting anything in return.

Right now, i dont want to think too much. I just want to enjoy the process. Whatever the result would be, I will always be thankful for these moments that I have with you.

Thank you, Abang...
Have a wonderful Christmas.

-Dionne W.B.-

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